sessions missed
(=105 school days)

St. Michael's Community Academy

We aim to create a safe and supportive environment, where all can feel empowered to independently develop their own skills and knowledge, taking risks where necessary in order to raise aspirations.
We have identified technology as a key tool to enhance learning and support in unlocking our children’s potential. All pupils from Y2 upwards are issued with their own personal iPad for use as a learning tool.

Throughout the summer term children in UKS2 will be invited to apply for the role of Digital Leaders. This role will involve:
Peer to peer support using the iPads
Half Termly meetings and lunchtime clubs
Apple Teacher Qualification
Supporting staff across the school using iPads
Encouraging creativity using the iPads across school
Be a role model and promote E-Safety across the school

Watch this space for further news!

Showbie allows the children to share their work electronically with their class teacher. Teachers can then send children feedback via voice note. This means the children are receiving more personalised feedback which will help them progress. Staff share key knowledge mats to help the children retrieve key information and support them in becoming Historians, Geographers and Scientists.
Keynote allows the children to showcase their work and present it in a fun and interactive way. Teachers are also using Keynote to develop exciting lessons. Ask your child about how they have used Key Note in school.
Our Digital Leaders in school have developed an endless note taking template for Maths and English using this core app. Children are now able to take notes and refer to these whenever they need to retrieve or recap some of their previous learning.
iMovie allows the children to bring their learning to life. Children have recorded videos and put themselves in the trenches of WW1. Others have been at battle with Beowulf. This app allows us to showcase the children’s work in a fun and interactive manner. It is also an opportunity to promote editing and technical skills.