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sessions missed
(=105 school days)

St. Michael's Community Academy
Our local governing committee is made up of a strong balance of staff, members of the community, parents and representatives of the St. Bart's Trust. Governors play an important role at our school, working alongside the Principal and other school leaders on key areas of school life, offering support and guidance in order to assist with school improvement and, importantly, holding the Principal to account . As well as attending a formal meeting once per term, all governors have their own link role relating to a specific aspect of school life. This allows them to arrange to visit the school to see for themselves the work that we do and the impact that this has on our pupils. The St. Bart's Scheme of Delegation sets out the range of responsibilities that the Local Governing Committee holds.
Our Chair of Governors, Mr Glyn Lowe, can be contacted via the school office.
Local Governing Committee

Appointed By SBMAT
Term of office: 14/03/22 - 13/03/26
Link roles: Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Finance

Appointed by SBMAT
Term of office: 0612/23 - 05/12/27
Link role: SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision)

Ex Officio Governor - Appointed by Trust 14/03/14

Elected by staff
Term of office: 01/11/21 - 31/10/25 -
Link role: Staff wellbeing
Elected by parents
Term of office: 01/01/25 - 31/12/26
Link role: Curriculum
Appointed by SBMAT
Term of office: 01/01/23 - 31/12/26
Link role: Curriculum

Appointed by SBMAT (Trust representative)
Term of office: Ongoing from 1st Sept 2023
Link role: N/A
Recent Governors

Appointed by SBMAT (Trust representative)
Term of office: 28th Feb 2022 - 31st Aug 2023 (Replaced by K. Deaville).
Link role: N/A
Elected by parents
Term of office: 12/12/19 - 11/12/23
Link role: Curriculum
Appointed by SBMAT
Term of office: 02/03/23 - 01/09/24
Link role: Curriculum

Elected by parents
Term of office: 24/11/20 - 23/11/24
Link role: Health and Safety
Appointed by SBMAT
Term of office: 10/06/24 - 09/06/28
Link role: Curriculum
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